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Global Projects Services 1


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If you have previously applied for a position in Aibel, please log in with your username (email address) and password. If you have not registered with us before, please fill in your details in the form below.

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Please fill in the application form. The fields marked with a red star (*) are mandatory and must be filled answered in order to proceed.


Personal Info

Email address

Email address must be filled out Provide a valid email address This email address is already in use. Please log in with your existing account or use a different email address.

Confirm email address


Title must be filled out

First name

First name must be filled out

Last name

Last name must be filled out

Second last name

Second last name must be filled out


Address must be filled out

Address 2

Address 2 must be filled out

Please provide a valid P.O. Box

Postal code/City

Postal code/City must be filled out


You must select a country


You must select a nationality


You must select a gender

Marital status

You must select a marital status

Date of birth

Date of birth must be filled out

Private phone (incl. area code)


Private phone must be filled out Provide a valid phone number. The number cannot contain "-" or "+".

Mobile phone (incl. area code)


Mobile phone must be filled out Provide a valid phone number. The number cannot contain "-" or "+".

Work phone (incl. area code)


Work phone must be filled out Provide a valid phone number. The number cannot contain "-" or "+".

Second email address

Alternate email must be filled Provide a valid email address


Years of higher education

Years of higher education must be filled out

Education level

You must select an education level


You must select a subject

Degree title

Degree title must be filled out

Employment History

Total number of years work experience

You must select total number of years work experience

Current position

Current position must be filled out

Current employer

Current employer must be filled out


You must select a field/sector

Relevant Work Experience

You must select years of experience in field/sector

Other Information

References available?

You must select references available


Internal/External is required

Cover letter

Cover Letter (Plain Text)

Please provide a cover letter.

NB: Remember to click Save if you need some time to fill in the form.

Cover letter must be filled out

Please upload your CV. (max. one document).

A cover letter must be attached!

* I hereby consent to the entered information being registered and used for recruitment purposes.  
You must mark this checkbox before continuing.
